Core Values
We strive to create an organization that reflects and embraces the diversity of our communities. This is reflected throughout the organization in our chat-room service, our work with other organizations and how we work with each other.
GALAXY PHILIPPINES exists to provide service for youth, by youth that affirms the experiences and aspirations of gay, bisexual, and transgender, spirited, queer and questioning youth in the Philippines. Working within an anti-oppression and anti-racist framework, we provide leadership opportunities, outreach, confidential peer support and referrals by telephone, texting and social media. In all aspects of our work and throughout the organization, as we pursue our mission. Together, they provide a picture of who we are and how we want to be:
GALAXY PHILIPPINES Â know their own experiences best and are able to make choices that are right for them. Â We strive to understand the experiences of queer youth in society and recognize that it often includes oppression based on sexual identity, age, gender, race, ethnicity, class, religion, ability and other factors. We offer support, not advice; affirmation, not judgment. We all have something to contribute. Everyone involved in GALAXY PHILIPPINES strives to create a climate within the organization where opportunities exist for meaningful participation, the contributions of all individuals are valued, information is shared and diversity of opinion is valued. We believe in decision-making that is as open and inclusive as possible, leadership that is shared and mutual accountability among volunteers and staff.
We support GALAXY PHILIPPINES in making self-directed, informed choices about sex and sexuality. We affirm peoples right to choose how to define their sexuality, how to express it and with whom. We believe it is the right and responsibility of each person involved in our organization to contribute to the development of GALAXY PHILIPPINES as a community of people learning together. We encourage each other to develop new skills and awareness, we share knowledge with each other and we celebrate our strengths and successes.

Galaxy Philippines
Working Towards a Brighter Future
At Galaxy Philippines we’re raising funds and promoting initiatives to serve the people who need them most. We believe in taking action with urgency in order to raise public awareness about some of the most pressing issues facing today’s society. Please join us by supporting our efforts to make a measurable difference in the lives of others.